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Showing Teachers and Frontline workers some appreciation

Where ever we live, COVID-19 has dramatically impacted our lives. 

For those of us with school aged children at home 24/7, well, let's just say we have a new respect for teachers. They take our kids from 9 a.m. and send them back after 3, unless the kids have sport related practices or games, which could have them rolling in the door after 6. A full day with no kids! Imagine!!!

But no more. It's zoom learning, home schooling, making lunches, or worse, walking into the kitchen after they've made their own lunch. We have more family time, which is great, but it's difficult to run a family run business when the family never leaves the house.

My kids are teens, which is less challenging than my neighbours who have 5 kids between 3 and 9 years old. I can leave my kids as I go for my daily walk or lock myself in my studio to make straws. But it's not the same as having them out of the house. They still manage to need help finding ingredients for their lunches, and it's amazing how much mess they produce minutes after I clean the kitchen!

I look longingly to the days when my kids went to school, when there were other adults watching out for them, consoling them, correcting them and inspiring them.  We're now faced with the daunting task of being their educator, soother, counsellor and even friend (yikes!).

I never appreciated how challenging it must be to face everyone else's kids all day. I can barely cope with two!

One day we'll return to those long kidless days, but in the meantime, let's think of ways to thank all of the teachers and educators who mid March, suddenly had to pivot from being full time class room teachers to conducting classes online, trying to reach the quiet kids, the troubled kids, and the kids who don't know how to ask.  

There are many ways to thank them - donating to worthy causes, like backpackbuddies or local foodbanks, or by sending them a small gift or local restaurant meal.

I'm not assuming that a GlassSipper is the only way to acknowledge our teachers (though I'm sure they'd love one!), but let's think of how we can say a big "thanks!".

If you want to consider eco-friendly gifts, we have plain straws, decorated strawsor even pouches for when we can finally get out of our houses! Your child's teacher might appreciate their own straw with a cleaning brush and carry pouch that they can bring with them as schools open up.

And if you don't have kids at home so don't have teacher's to thank, it's a good time to thank those frontline workers who have been risking their own health to save ours. Make someone's day by sending a small gift, making a donation in their name, or sending them a gift certificate to a local restaurant.

As local businesses scramble to open up, paying their staff and expenses is challenging. By sending a gift to someone we appreciate, we can help local businesses and put a smile on the recipients face. How good is that!


Sending gratitude,




